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Starting solid foods is an exciting time! Begin with single-ingredient foods like pureed vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes), fruits (apples, bananas), and iron-fortified baby cereals (rice cereal, oatmeal). Introduce new foods one at a time and watch for any allergic reactions. Always check with your pediatrician before starting solids.

Here are some options for starting your baby’s first solid foods:

  1. Gerber Rice Cereal
  2. Happy Baby Carrot Jar
  3. Gerber Apple Puree
  4. Gerber Oatmeal Single Grain First Food

Your baby may be ready for solids around 6 months old if they can sit up with support, show interest in food, and have good head control. Other signs include reaching for food, opening their mouth when food is offered, and losing the tongue-thrust reflex that pushes food out of their mouth. Check with your pediatrician to confirm readiness.

 It’s normal for babies to refuse some foods at first. Keep offering the food without pressure, as it can take multiple tries for a baby to accept a new food. Try mixing the new food with a favorite one, offering it in different textures, and making mealtime fun and stress-free. Patience and persistence are key.

To ensure your baby gets a balanced diet, offer a variety of foods from different groups, including fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. Puree or mash the foods to the right texture for your baby’s age. Consider adding iron-fortified cereals or meats to meet iron needs. Consult with a pediatrician or a dietitian for personalized advice.

Signs of a food allergy in babies include rashes, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. If you suspect a food allergy, stop feeding the suspected food immediately and contact your pediatrician. In severe cases, seek emergency medical help. Introduce common allergens like peanuts, eggs, and fish one at a time and watch for any reactions.

If you are looking to help your baby gain weight, consider offering nutrient-dense foods. Some good options include avocado, which is high in healthy fats and calories, bananas, which are easy to digest and provide good calories, and sweet potatoes, which are rich in vitamins and calories. Full-fat yogurt provides essential fats and protein, oats can be made into porridge for a nutritious meal, and eggs are a great source of protein and healthy fats (if your baby is not allergic). Always introduce new foods gradually and consult with your pediatrician to ensure they are suitable for your baby.

Here are some of the food options that would help your baby gain weight:

  1. Gerber Banana Strawberry Lil’ Bits
  2. Gerber Heart Bits
  3. Gerber Blueberry Apple Lil’ Bits
  4. Gerber Carrot, Apple, Mango Puree
  5. Gerber Banana, Blueberry, Blackberry and Oatmeal Puree

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