Once your baby is the age to start solids, it can be quiet a daunting task to choose which food is best for your baby. So, what is the best first solid food for babies? What baby food should i introduce first? Like many other Problems in life even in this dilemma, the simplest answer is usually the best suited answer.
It is widely agreed that Purees are best first food for your child. The texture and no choking hazard offered by this type of food really makes it a no-brainer. However, what purees you must feed your child is a question that is often confusing most parents.
Vegetable Purees or Fruit Purees or Cereal Purees as first food?

Truth is each each of the purees have their won advantages, so choosing to feed one while neglecting others is not really recommended. But, while feeding these to your child make sure that you don’t overwhelm them with choices. Thus, it is highly suggested that you start with a single ingredient purees and work your way up.
It is advised that you wait at least 2 days before trying out a new flavour or ingredient. During this time, parents can also look for sign of allergies or dislikes.
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Little at a time
Know that your baby is not used to all these flavour and fibers, thus introduce little at a time with breast-milk or formula as a primary source of food. Once they are accustomed to solid foods, you can increase the quantity and also increase the variety.
Some easy to make Purees
1. Mashed Avocado Puree

Take a ripe avocado and mash it until you see no lumps, feed you cutie pie with about a tea-spoon or until they show sign of resistance.
2. Mashed Banana Puree

Take a ripe banana and mash it until you see no lumps, feed you cutie pie with about a tea-spoon or until they show sign of resistance.
3. Mashed Pea Puree

Boil few green peas until tender and mash it until you see no lumps, feed you cutie pie with about a tea-spoon or until they show sign of resistance.